LSNWJ Staff Attorney: Morristown

Legal Services of Northwest Jersey provides comprehensive civil legal assistance for people experiencing poverty in Hunterdon, Morris, Somerset, Sussex, and Warren counties. LSNWJ provides services in family, housing, consumer, bankruptcy, public entitlements, health care access, and expungements. We are a community of passionate people committed to securing access and equal justice for all.

Through funding from the County of Morris, LSNWJ is launching its new Project Relief program.  Project Relief aims to empower individuals to achieve economic recovery, in part due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  The Project Relief attorney will have the opportunity to be involved in all aspects of consumer debt collection defense, including reviewing initial Complaints, counseling clients, litigating debt allegations, negotiating payment plans, defending wage garnishments, bank levies, and foreclosure attempts, and filing bankruptcy petitions.  By removing obstacles created by debt, individuals will have the financial freedom to move forward and rebuild their lives.

The LSNWJ team is passionate about our work and creates a supportive team environment with work-life balance. LSNWJ is growing and has an opening for a staff attorney in our Morristown Office in Morris County, New Jersey.

Details and application information can be found at the following: Morristown Staff attorney-Project Relief