Membership Application

We are pleased that you are interested in joining the Hunterdon County Bar Association. A membership application can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Please have the completed application signed by a sponsor, who must be a current member of the Association. If you need help locating a sponsor to sign your application, please call the HCBA Office at 908-200-7822 or  Mail the signed application and your check for $190 ($150.00 if applying between Feb 1 and June 30) to the:

Hunterdon County Bar Association,
P.O. Box 573,
Annandale, NJ 08801.

Make all checks payable to “HCBA”.
The applicant must be present at a membership meeting to have his or her application put to a vote. If you have any questions regarding membership please contact the HCBA office at 908-200-7822.

We look forward to your involvement in our Bar Association

HCBA Application for Membership